Clean Slate

Is that a comma?
Can I think about this?
Of course.
Till tomorrow morning.
Give us time
to make other plans.

This is bad.
I've gotten involved
with a Sarah Novak.

She's either in trouble
and needs your help...

or she's dead...
and in a remarkable state
of preservation.

OK, According to the file
in your office...

Sarah Novak
was Philip Cornell's lover.

They were apparently
inseparable for five years...

till she left him.
Sarah was afraid that
Cornell intended to kill her...

for what she knew
about his illegal activities.

She decided to testify
against him.

She hired a private detective
to protect herself.

Yours truly.
The day after the indictment
was brought against Cornell...

Sarah was killed.
A car bomb.
You were blown clear.
The only witness.
