Clean Slate

What do I call you now,
Sarah or Beth?

Someone is threatening to tell
Cornell I'm still alive...

unless I give them something.
What? Give them what?
You're on.
What? Give them what?
On display at the end
of the hall of archeology...

you'll find the oldest coin
we now know to exist--

the Coin of Royal Power.
Dating from the year 650 b.c...
the coin is customarily held...
under the tightest security
in China's forbidden city...

but was loaned
to the county museum...

in a rare cultural exchange
Last year.

-He stole it.

He was obsessed with it.
You know, he has every
valuable coin in the world.

He had to have this one, too.
That's why you went to the FBI.
I took it from him.
It is named
the Coin of Royal Power...

due to the symbols of royalty--
the lion and the bull.
Its estimated value
is seven million dollars.

I was angry, I wanted
to hurt him, so I took it.

He came after me,
so I went to the FBI.

I promised to testify
about Cornell’s business...

if they protected me.
And now the blackmailers
want the coin?

-Give it to them.
-I don't have it.

-Who does?
-You do.

This whole thing
is about a $7-miIIion coin...

that Cornell
stole from this museum...

and you stole from Cornell?
The morning
before the explosion...

I gave you something to hide,

I didn't tell you what it was.
I couldn’t.
