Color of Night

Nah. Not enough.
- I was thinkin' of maybe 20.
- Geez, Bill, you never change.

Why don't we just drop our pants
and see who's got the bigger dick?

- Then we can go back and have a nice,
civilized breakfast.
- Wouldn't be civilized.

- Why?
- You'd be sulkin'.

- They don't have hills in New York.
- Hang on a second.

- Huh? What?
- Hang on a second.

Hang on a second here.
What was that?

What the hell
was that?

- What are you afraid of?
- I think I got a gear
slippin' here or somethin'.

That's not
what I meant.

What's with the security
system, the security gates,
lookin' over your shoulder?

- I been gettin' some threats.
- You mean death threats?

Pretty sure it's somebody
in the Monday night group.

- I just don't know who.
- Monday night as in last night?

I was hopin' maybe with your tuning
fork that you might have a hunch.

No. No hunches, Bob.
What makes you think
it's somebody in the group?

Only about a dozen things. It's been
going on for a couple of months now.

It's funny how it
gets to you after a while.

- You call the cops?
- Yeah.

They said if they had to protect every
shrink in L.A., they'd need an army.

But that I should call 'em
if, uh, anything happens.

Yeah. That makes sense.
Yeah. It'll probably
all just blow over.

- Yeah.
- How 'bout you?

How 'bout me what?
What do you give a suicidal patient
who's got everything?

- A parachute. I heard it already.
- Out here already, huh?

Come on, old-timer.
Oh... shit.
- You may have to...
You may have to carry me in.

You know, you lose
a lot more gracefully than you used to.

Yeah, well, you know,
practice and all.
