Dumb & Dumber

You really went out man.
What are you talking about, went out?
The guy hawked on my burger.
I think I just...
Yes, I just had an idea.
Follow me.
Wxcuse me, guys?
- What the hell do you want?

I just want to apologize...
for that unpleasant scene
a little earlier.

My friend Harry and I...
would like to buy you guys
a round of beers...

just to bury the hatchet.
- Make it for Blothermakers.

Whatever you want, sir.
I'lI have the waitress bring it over.

What're you doing?
We can't afford to buy them drinks.

Wxcuse me.
Sea Bass and the fellas
offered to pick up our check.

They said put it on their tab.
They're very nice.

Sea Bass said that?
- Well, if...

that the guy at the table is Sea Bass...
All right, if that's what he wants...
Put these on there too, okay?
I'll kill those sons of bitches.
That was genius, Lloyd. Where did you
come up with a scam like that?
