Dumb and Dumber

Excuse me... IittIe oId Iady.
You have change of a doIIar?
- Change? No I'm sorry.

WeII, couId you do me a favor?
Watch my stuff whiIe I break a doIIar?

Of course.
- Thanks.

I guess that senior citizens may be
sIow and dangerous at the wheeI...

...but they can stiII serve a purpose.
I'II be right back.
Don't you go dying on me.

Where's the booze?
I got roIIed by a sweet oId Iady
on a motorized cart.

I didn't even see it coming.
Come on, Harry. Cheer up.
It gets worse, LIoyd. My parakeet Pete...
...is dead.
Oh man, I'm sorry. What happened?
His head feII off.
- His head feII off?

Yes, he was pretty oId.
That's it. I've had it with this dump.
We got no food, no job...
...our pet heads are faIIing off.
- Okay, just caIm down.

And what the heII are we doing here,
Harry? We've got to Ieave town.
