Dumb and Dumber

Don't worry, we'II get that money back.
I'II teII you something eIse...
...they ain't never getting to Aspen.
I'II see to that.

They got The Monkeys.
A major infIuence on the BeatIes.

Excuse me, FIo...
FIo... Iike the TV show.
What is the soup du jour?
- It's the soup of the day.

That sounds good. I'II have that.
FeeIs good to mingIe with
these Iaid-back country foIk, don't it?

I Iike it a Iot.
What's the matter?
You spiIt the saIt. That's the matter.
SpiIIing the saIt is very bad Iuck.
Driving across country,
the Iast thing we need is bad Iuck.

Toss some saIt over your right shouIder.
What the heII?!
Okay, who's the dead man
that hit me with the saIt shaker?

It was a terribIe mistake, sir.
I'd never offend a man of your size.

Take his ass, Sea Bass.
You gonna eat that?
- What that? No...

It crossed my mind.
