Dumb and Dumber

What happened. Harry?
Did some fiIIy break your heart?

No, it was a girI. Fraida FeIcher.
We stayed in a pIace Iike this.
Not this cIassy, but nice.

FeIcher, from Cranston?
- You know her?

Yes! I mean, I remember
you taIking about her.

We had an incredibIy romantic time.
I thought we'd be together for ever...
...but a week Iater she sent me
a John Deere Ietter.

She give you any reason?
- I caIIed her up.

She gave me some crap about me not
Iistening to her. I don't know.

But what hurt most was: I think
she was seeing another guy.

I never found out who.
Mr Andr,, guess who we bumped into?
It aII ends in a phone booth.
Yeah, the boys are hoIed up
in a Iove nest.

They're a bit strange.
What the heII are they up to?
Are they Feds?

HighIy unIikeIy!
You ever heard of the concept
of ''other peopIe''?

Me being that for the phone?
You turned your back on me.
He got me mad.

You were supposed to grab that bag!
- Your drink, honey.

HoId on...
Get off the phone.
Get off the phone.
I'm sorry, Mr Andr, you were saying?
