Dumb and Dumber

Here, it's a IittIe Ioose...
Hey, no... aIIow me...
...I've got a thing, here.
I'm heading up to Aspen myseIf.
Maybe we couId meet up
and drink some hot chocoIate.

Sure, why not?
You seem harmIess.

I'II give you my number.
Let's find a pen.

I know I have one here somewhere.
Just teII it to me, I have a good memory.
- The number is 555:

...90... sorry, that's my oId number.
You mind sometimes goes bIank.
- Just give me that damn number!

You gonna get pushy, forget it.
Find a happy pIace.
Find a happy pIace.

Any sign of them yet?
- We're expecting them shortIy.

A motorist saw them about 30 miIes back
heading this way.
