Forrest Gump

I don't care .
I don't like her anyway .

Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Run!
Run! Run! Run! Run!

Stop! Stop! Stop!
College ran by real fast
'cause I played
so much football.

Th eyeven put me on a thing
called the all-America team
where you get to meet
the president of the United States.
President Kennedy met
with the collegiate
all-American football team

at the Oval Office today .
Now the really good thing
about meeting the presiden t
of the United States

is the food.
They put you in this little room
with just about anything
you'd want to eat or drink.

But since, number one,
I wasn 't hungry but thirsty,
and number two, they was free,
I must have drank me
about 15 Dr. Peppers.

How does it feel
to be an all-American ?

It's an honor, sir.
How does it feel
to be an all-American ?

Very good, sir.
How does it feel
to be an all-American ?

Very good, sir.
Congratula tions.
How do you feel?

I got to pee.
I believe he said
he had topee.

Some time later,
for noparticular reason,

somebody shot
that nice young president

when he was riding
in his car.

And a few years after that,
somebody shot
his little brother, too,

only he was
in a hotel kitchen.

Must be hard being brothers .
I wouldn't know .
Forrest Gump.
Now can you believe it ?
After only five years
of playing football,

I got a college degree.
