Forrest Gump

# Some folks are born #
# Made to wave the flag #
# Ooh, they're red,
white, and blue #

# And when the band play s
"Hail To The Chief" #

# Ooh, they'll point
the cannon at you #

# It ain't me #
# It ain't me #
# I ain't no senator's son #
# It ain't me ##
Now they told us
that Vietnam was going
to be very different

from the United States
of America.

Except for all
the beer cans and barbecues,

it was.
Hey, I'll bet there's shrimp
all in these waters .

They tell me these Vietnams
is good shrimp.

After we win this war
and we take over everything,
we can get American
shrimpers out here

and shrimp these waters .
Just shrimp all the time, man.
You must be my FNGs.
Morning, sir.
Oh, get your hands down.
Do not salute me.
There are goddamn snipers
all around this are a

who'd love
to grease an officer.

I'm Lieutenant Dan Taylor.
Welcome to Fort Platoon.

What's wrong with your lip?
I was born with big gums, sir.
Well, you better tuck that in.
Gonna get that caught
on a trip wire .

Where are you boy s
from in the world?

- Alabama, sir!
- Alabama, sir!

You twins?
No. We are not relations, sir.
it's pretty basic here .
You stick with me
and learn from the guys
who've been in country a while,
you'll be all right.
There is one item of G.I. gear
