Forrest Gump

Gump, how can you
watch that stupid shit?

Turn it off.
You are tuned
to the American forces

Vietnam network.
This is channel 6, Saigon.
Good catch, Gump.
You know how to play this?
Come on. Let me show you.
Now, the secret to this game is
no matter what happens,
never, ever...
take your eye off the ball.
All right.
For some reason,
Ping-Pong came very natural to me.
Any idiot can play .
So I started playing it
all the time.

I played Ping-Pong
even when I didn't have anyone
to play Ping-Pong with.

The hospital's people
said it made me look
like a duck in water- -

Whatever that means.
Even Lieutenant Dan
would come and watch me play.

I played Ping-Pong so much,
I even played it in my sleep.
you listen to me.
We all have a destiny .
Nothing just happens.
It's all part of a plan!

I should have died
out there with my men,

but now...l'm nothing
but a god damn cripple,

a legless freak!
Look. Look! Look at me!
You see that?
Do you know what it's like
not to be able to use your legs?
Y-Y -Yes, sir, I do.
