Forrest Gump

and how she discovered
ways to expand her mind

and learn how
to live in harmony...

which must be
out west somewhere,

'cause she made it
all the way to California.

# Love one another right now ##
Hey .
Anybody want to go
to San Francisco?

I'll go.
Far out!
It was a very special night
for the two of us.
I didn't want it to end.
Wish you wouldn't go,Jenny .
I have to, Forrest.
Jenny ?
Things got
a little out of hand.

It's just this war
and that lying
son of a bitch Johnson and--

I would never hurt you.
You know that.

Know what I think?
I think...
you should go home to Greenbow ,
we have very
different lives, you know .

I want you...
to have this.
Forrest, I can't keep this.
I got it...
just by doing
what you told me to do.

Why are you so good to me?
You're my girl.
I'll always be your girl.
