Forrest Gump

And someyears later,
I heard that that fella

did come up with
a bumper sticker slogan

and made a lot of money
off of it.

Another time,
I was running along.

Somebody who'd lost all his money
in the T-shirt business,

he wanted toput my face
on a T-shirt,

but he couldn't draw that well,
and he didn't have a camera.
Here, use this one.
Nobody likes that color anyway .

[Horn Honks ]
Have a nice day .
Someyears later, I found out
that that man did come up
with an idea for a T-shirt.

He made a lot of money.
Anyway, like I was saying,
I had a lot of company.
My mama always said,
"You got to put the past
behind you

before you can move on. "
And I think that's
what my running was all about.

I had run for three years...
two months....
14days, and 16 hours.
Quiet. Quiet.
He's going to say something.

I'm pretty tired.
Think I'll go home now .
Now what are we supposed to do?
And just like that...
