Forrest Gump

my runnin' days was over.
So I went home to Alabama.
Moments ago, at 2.:25 P.M. ,

as President Reagan
was leaving the- -

Five or six gunshots were fired
by an unknown, would-be assassin.
The president was
shot in the chest- -

I picked up the mail.
And one day, out
of the blue clear sky,

I got a letter from Jenny
wondering if I could
come down to Savannah

and see her, and that's
what I'm doing here .

She saw me on TV... running.
I'm supposed to go on
the number 9 bus to Richmond Street

and get offand go one block left
to 1947 Henry Street...
apartment 4.
Why, you don't need
to take a bus.

Henry Street is just
five or six blocks...

down that way .
Down that way ?
Down that way .
It was nice talking to you.
[Horn Honks ]
I hope everything
works out for you!

Hey !
How you doin'?
Come in! Come in!
I got your letter.
Oh, I was wondering
about that.

This your house?
Yeah. It's messy right now .
I just got off work.
It's nice.
You got air-conditioning.
I ate some.
I, uh, kept--kept a scrap book
of--of your clippings and...

everything. There you are .
Yes, I got you running.
I ran a long way .
