Guarding Tess

or a criminal assignment
out of New York or L.A.

Let's sit over here.

Yes. Sir.
- Yes?
- Coffee.

- Certainly. It'll be just a moment.
- Thanks.

How is she?
What's she like?

Well, there's the public person who's,
you know, adored.

Then there's the private person
who can, at times...

be difficult to deal with if you
don't know how to handle the situation.

- And you did.
- Well, I guess, as well as anybody.

I don't envy my replacement,
I'll tell you that.

I was in her husband's White House,
and I saw her in better times.

She has her good days
and her bad days now.

I guess you could say...
she's several different personalities
in one, like many people.

Well, one of her personalities
called the White House last night...

and asked the president to arrange
that you stay with her for another tour.

The president?
I can't go back there.
I can't do three more years there.

I can't do three more minutes there.
It's... It... l...

I mean, it's...
the worst assignment there is
in the service.

Well then, we've got a problem
because the president...

is asking you to return to Mrs. Carlisle
as a personal favor to him.

What if I say no?
I'll call him and tell him,
uh, you said no.

Take a moment to think it over.
I'll check on the coffee.

In New Jersey, ice kept three dolphins
trapped in an inland waterway...

Wednesday, frustrating rescuers'
efforts to free the animals...
