Holy Matrimony

"Thou shalt not
muzzle the ox."

No, no, no,
next verse.

"If brethren dwell together, and one
of them die and have no child...

"the wife of the dead
shall not marry unto a stranger.

Her husband's brother shall go in
unto her and take her to him to wife."

- Wait. What?
- What did she say?

Yeah, what did I say?
"The wife of the dead shall not marry...

"unto a stranger.
Her husband's brother shall go in
unto her and take her to him to wife"?

What is this book?
Is this a comedy or something?

Uncle Wilhelm, I think maybe I should
read 'cause she must be getting this wrong.

No, no, no, no, she's not incorrect,
nor the word of our Lord.

Havana, Ezekiel has
an obligation by our law...

to ask you...
to marry him.

- [Chuckles]
- But there's no cause for alarm.

You will simply
refuse him and that will be that.

- What will be what?
- Well... you have to leave.

- What do you mean I have to leave?
- Here. $100.

- We'll drive you to the bus stop.
It'll take you to the city.
- You can't just kick me out.

Nobody wants to kick you out,
but we have no choice.

As an outsider, you are
not allowed to remain here.

I know this seems harsh,
but it is the best.

The Hutterite way of life,
Havana, is not for you.

So I have to leave now
with this $100?

I'm sorry.
EzekielJakobson, it falls to you to perform
the duty of the brother-in-law. Ask her.

Let us get this
done with.

But, Uncle Wilhelm, I'm only
12 years old. I still hate girls.

- L-I'd much prefer a frog...
- Don't disgrace yourself in the eyes of God!

- Ask her, please.
- But I'd make a bad husband.

- Don't make me do this.
- You must, child!

It's the Lord's rules.
You must please Him.


Uh... will you...
Will you, um...
