Hong Xiguan zhi Shaolin wu zu

Hey, Dad!
My friends are here.
Dad, these guys live down the street,
and they've been bullying me.

Hey, we've been nice so far.

We'rejust trying
to get the money you owe us.

So pay up soon...
orwe get violent.
-You little thugs! Beat it! Go on!
-Let's go.

-Is this your boy?
-Yes, sir.

Doesn't he study at Shaolin?
No, sir!
I would never send him there.

-Those monks and priests, they're strange.
-That's good to hear.

[Fly Buzzing]
That fly is starting to annoy me.
Thanks forwashing my underwear.
But you tore them.

-I'm sorry.
-That's okay.

I made a smaller pair
out of them for you.

Thanks, Dad.
Does that mean you're
not wearing any underpants?

I don't mind.
It's cooler.

Did you fight
with young Master Chiu?

He started it.
That was wrong.
But what good are my skills
ifl can't use them?

You must remember, son,
that we are in hiding.

If you show your skills,
we might be discovered.

I will try my best not to fight, Father.
Eleven, 12, 13,
14, 15,
16, 17, 19--
