Hong Xiguan zhi Shaolin wu zu

Let's go, son.
-You should go out there!

I don't know.
That took a lot out ofme.

-Put the master to bed, please.

Come on.
A little too much to drink.

Why didn't you explain
what happened?

They would not have understood.
-It's because you like Red Bean.
-You're wrong.

You've always taught me
to stay calm under any circumstances.

But when she screamed,
you jumped up like a jack rabbit.

-Ting, l, uh--
-It's okay, Father. I think I understand.

[Horse Whinnying]
They're heading for the master's home.
What do you think?

I want to go back
and help my new brothers.

You're right.
What do you want?
This violence makes me queasy.
Do what needs to be done,
but get it overwith quickly,
if you don't mind.

We are searching for
a group ofboys. Five ofthem.

The rest of you
we have no interest in.

Therefore, everyone over the age
often will be killed now!

