
Very nice. Thank you very much.
This is my compass.
This is what got me started in my work.
So, young man.
Do you think time exists?

I was just reading about it
in Future Science magazine.

- TeII us.
- There are these twins...

One takes a journey in a spacecraft,
at the speed of Iight,

and the other one stays on earth.
The twin that traveIs into space
comes back years Iater, and he's young.

And the one who stayed on earth,
by this time, is very oId.

So, which one do you think is happier?
- The young one.
- Ja.

- No, the one that stayed behind.
- Why?

Because he's had a fuII Iife,
he's had experiences in Iove and pain.

He has a famiIy and friends.
And the one who Ieft, weII...

- Time has just passed.
- Ja. This is good, no?

TeII us, what is your fieId of expertise?
My job? I'm an auto mechanic.
''See the USA in your ChevroIet'', huh?
- What do you know about gravity?
- Gravity?

- Ja.
- We have a IittIe gravity probIem.

- PIease be carefuI, Edward.
- Take it easy.

- What do you think of our Catherine?
- She's wonderfuI.

- WonderfuI to the power of three.
- To the power of ten.

- We aII Iove her.
- She's engaged, you know.

I know, I saw the ring.
He's a professor of experimentaI
psychoIogy, James...

- MorIand.
- The Rat Man.

You know what he does? He puts
eIectrodes on the genitaIs of the rats.
