
- It's too fashionabIe.
- Ja, here.

- Take the Ieather coat.
- Wait.

Nathan, your cardigan.
What do I do if she asks me a question?
If she asks you a question,
you pretend to smoke a pipe.

And then you say, ''Interesting concept.''
- Don't worry.
- We'II change the subject.

- Change the subject?
- You know, Iike in footbaII.

We'II run in defence.
And now... This is a tie.
This wiII hoId up your pants.

- Good, huh?
- Ja, good.

He Iooks Iike a French Impressionist.
The energy of a nuclear configuration
is given by the expectation value

of the nuclear Hamiltonian in a state
with N neutrons and P protons...

Fusion will occur if the energy
of the fused state is lower

than the energy
of the two separate nuclei.

Our task is to see if the dynamics
dictated by the interaction Hamiltonian

generates a reaction to make cold
fusion-powered engines feasible.

- Good.
- HeIIo.

- HeIIo.
- HeIIo, Liebchen.

So, we have here, E over C squared...
It's E squared. Minus E squared over B,
minus V of X.

- D of X, or V of X?
- V as in very.

- What's going on?
- Edward has been hoIding out on us.

In addition to being
a very fine automotive mechanic,
