
- That's perfect for New Jersey.
- New Jersey?

The symposium. Do you have a paper?
- Paper?
- No, no... Not ready.

- We must check the speIIing.
- Very important.

- We couId have it ready.
- You couId?

- Sure... CouIdn't we?
- Ja, we couId.

- When is the symposium?
- ApriI 1 st.

- Five days.
- That's not a probIem.

This is great! Bamberger wiII be thriIIed.
I am very gratefuI. It's just so...
...huge, reaIIy.
Isaac Newton was not
an insurance saIesman.

Boys, our IittIe experiment
has just jumped to a higher energy IeveI.

Minus Y to X pIus one...
Over X.
Minus Y to the X pIus Y...
Minus Y to the X...

- What Ianguage is that, Martian?
- Wait...

- You're not changing anything?
- No.

- What's aII that?
- Nothin'.

Right. Grab your scaIpeI. Let's operate.
I don't beIieve it! Einstein's car!
We do this right, Eddie-boy,
we'II have a whoIe new cIienteIe!

WeIcome to the First InternationaI
Physics Symposium

designed to bring together
the very best minds...

It's time, Edward.
This is the largest gathering
of the scientific...

- I can't do this.
- Why? Because you're sick with fear?

Ninety-nine per cent of the worId
wakes up Iike this every morning.
