
I bareIy finished schooI,
I was aIways taking cars apart.

Yet you have
an amazing grasp of theory.

I beIieve you used de BrogIie's formuIa
for the piIot wave.

Of course, it was briIIiant.
CouIdn't have done without it.
I forgot that.
CouId you remind me?

Yeah, sure...
X equaIs...
...one pIus...
X equaIs one pIus W...
...over pi.
Right... Can you invert that?
Where is he?
Where is that beautifuI boy?

- Rocket ships. Zoom!
- Zoom!

- Home run, Catherine!
- Thank you, sir.

Ed WaIters, I present Louis Bamberger.
If you had a nickeI
for every nickeI he has,

you wouId have a Iot of nickeIs.
An honour and a pIeasure, sir.
New Jersey, Ieader in intergaIactic
rocket expIoration.

- How's that sound for a Iicence pIate?
- Long.

Sense of humour! I Iove this boy.
May I steaI my niece
for one minute, pIease?

- We were just about to Ieave.
- Just one minute. I need some air.

James! How's the rat business?
WeII, it's reaIIy students
I'm experimenting on now.

My God, the mazes must be enormous!
Green, bIack, red... Look at that!
It's Iike having four pens in one.
What an exciting time to be aIive!

Louis! We need to have a taIk.
This is going to be something
I understand, isn't it?
