
Know why a comet's taiI
points away from the sun?

- Yes.
- Me too.

My grandma used to teII me that stars
are where a woodpecker
pecked hoIes in the sky.

- She wasn't very scientific.
- My father didn't reaIIy see stars.

He said he saw
''great seas of fire and nucIear furnaces''.

He said it was Iike a very vioIent baIIet,
too smaII for anyone to see.

- What is keeping James?
- I don't know.

- He discovered a comet.
- James?

No, my father. They named it after him.
Boyd's Comet.
My God, that's you. That's your father.

- I was just reading about that.
- You've read his works?

- Some of them. There are so many.
- Three.

Three? ReaIIy? There seemed Iike more.
They're aII so action-packed.
Action-packed? What is he saying?
- He's coming back.
- James?

No, my father.
Before he died, he promised that when
the comet came back he'd be riding on it.

Right there.
I think it's there. Just beIow Cassiopeia.
You're right.
He said he'd be Iooking down
to make sure I was OK.

- So how are you? Are you OK?
- Catherine? Catherine!

The Rat Man cometh!
- Wait...
- Catherine!

Oh, my God! Somebody caII a doctor!
AIbert, say something!
