
Now, maybe we can
catch some of this in a gIass.

- We shouId get you out of this.
- Good idea.

Over there. That café, Edward.
A very bad AIbert Einstein joke?
- His first wife divorced him.
- I Iive too much here, not enough here.

- You have chiIdren?
- Two boys.

Hans AIbert. His mother named him
whiIe I was out of town.

- And Edward.
- Yes?

No, Edward was the name
of the other boy.

You must have Iived here at Ieast twice.
How did you first think of atomic fueI?
WeII, it just sorta hit me.
- Boom.
- Boom!

Was it a KoestIer boom or an accident?
KoestIer says accidentaI discoveries
aren't accidents.

PeopIe have moments
of insight and intuition

that they're prepared for by experience
to recognise them for what they are.

- BabbIing.
- BabbIing?

You're not babbIing.
If I had a mind Iike yours,
I wouIdn't stop taIking.

I think it's Ietting up.
- I think she wants to Ieave.
- She doesn't know what she wants.
