
I was gonna ask you why
you use that operator there?

I often ask myseIf the same question.
It's just a stroke of briIIiance.
I'm just so cIose to figuring it out.
- TroubIe ahead.
- Maybe. Maybe not.

- If she finds the fIaw in our theory?
- We undermine her confidence.

- We shouIdn't do that.
- How?

We'II be obscure and obtuse.
Are you taking something for granted?
What if you question everything?

Look at it from a different perspective.
Question everything.

UncIe AIbert, couId this be right?
What? I know that Iook. What did I do?
I never saw it this way.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Excuse me.
What did you say to her?
- Why Iet them scare you off?
- They're the greatest minds in the worId.

- Who says they have aII the answers?
- Who says what?

Who says you're not
one of the greatest minds?

I'm not Iike you. You're a naturaI.
You're just Iike one of them.

- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
