
HaIIeIujah! HaIIeIujah!
- These psychoIogists, so crazy!
- Go!

I don't understand, he's aIways
1 0 minutes earIy for everything.

- Any Ionger, we Iose the wind.
- That's it, we're set.

I'm very disappointed.
I was Iooking forward
to getting to know him better.

WeII, maybe next time.
It's pretty.
- Sorry. Are you OK?
- UncIe AIbert!

Cut it out!
- There's something I have to say.
- No, Iisten...

I know that UncIe AIbert and everybody
wants us to, you know...

- There's something eIse.
- Let me...

It's just that...
WeII, Iove between two peopIe...

- Sorry... UncIe AIbert!
- I'm steering the boat!

Love... No...
PeopIe who share common goaIs
and interests...

- Did you ever hear of the coIour aIgae?
- No.

The point is, Ed, you can't choose
who you're gonna Iove.

- I know that.
- You know, it just happens.

I think you're a decent person
and I respect you.

- I respect you, too.
- I know how you feeI about me.

It's just that you can't expect
somebody you've just met,

somebody who hardIy knows you,
to suddenIy say...
