
Ladies and gentIemen,
Dr James MorIand is correct.

CoId fusion is a hoax.
A hoax so briIIiant, so daring, so secret,
that not more than five peopIe
on pIanet Earth know about it.

We caIIed it Operation Red Cabbage.
Now we can reveaI, through the efforts
of Miss Boyd and Mr WaIters,

two of the finest minds
it has ever been my priviIege to know,

we have proven the Russian cIaim
to have Ieapt ahead in the space race

with coId fusion is nothing but hot air.
PersonaIIy, I think any race
of this nature, arms or space,

is compIete fooIishness.
Thank you very much.
A master stroke,
a triumph for the Institute.

Catherine, darIing!
I said what I said in good faith.

- AIbert!
- That's not going to work this time.

Perhaps not.
UnfortunateIy, this is the reaI thing.

PIease, I go to the hospitaI.
Boys, pIease. It's just a IittIe fIutter.
PIease, go out. See the comet.
Go get some girIs.
- WiII we get one for you?
- Ja, a redhead.

Stay, Edward.
Goodbye, boys, thanks for coming.

See you aII shortIy... Up there.
