I Love Trouble

"While at Chess, Dr Beekman
served as head researcher...

on the genetically engineered
hormone LDF."

I knew you were trouble
the first time I laid eyes on you.

Major league trouble,
I said to myself.

- What's happening here?
- I'm dissolving our partnership.

- Why?
- Because you just lied to me.

Now, you don't wanna tell me
about LDF, fine.

It's each man for himself.

You got it.
You're on your own.

What about Beekman's
Christmas card?

You're also a pickpocket?
Jesus, Peterson,
you're incorrigible!

Now, I was gonna tell you
about that...

but there are moments when you divulge
information in a story like this.

I was just waiting for
the proper moment, that's all.

Which is gonna be when, professor?
When you finally get me in the sack?

Oh, I got a news flash
for you, Peterson.

I have absolutely no desire to
get you in the sack whatsoever.

- Yeah, right.
- For starters, honey, you ain't my type.

Really? I didn't know
you had a type.

I do.
The opposite of you.

Tall, dark and stupid?
Peterson, goodbye.
- It's been original.
- Mmm.

You know...
You were right. I should've
told you about the Christmas card.

And maybe I overreacted
to LDF.

No, I, I should've told you sooner.
It's my fault.

I accept your apology.
So, tell me now.

The boy I told you about,
the one that called me...

- said he found something
important in the briefcase.
- Yeah.

He had the letters "L-D"
written on his palm.

I guess he died before he could write
the "F." I had no idea what it meant.

Girl Scout's honour.
