I Love Trouble

Jesus! God!
What are these...
Oh, Jesus!

Too bad. But a definite "A"
for effort, Peterson.

Or should I call you Brackett,
Mrs Brackett? Hmm?

I don't really care what
you call me, Smotherman.

Or should I call you
Ernesto, Mr Vargas?

Oh, darn!
I wanted to be the one
to tell you.

You did!
A cop once told me...

"Always look for the lie; that's when
the story begins to unravel."

When I asked you
what year you graduated,
you gave me two different years.

I wondered why, so I looked
you up in your yearbook.

Funny thing was, you weren't in it,
not under the name Smotherman, anyway.

We were hoping you had what
we were looking for, but...

since you don't have it,
and we don't have it...

we can assume
it didn't survive the crash.

So now the only evidence
to destroy is you.

Oh, and your husband,
of course.

we know exactly where he is.

- What's going on, Ted?
- Oh, Mr Chess, I didn't know
anyone was in here.

We've got an alert
down at the loading dock.

- Go back to your station.
I'll deal with it.
- Yes, sir.

Get out there.
See what's going on.

How'd you get involved
in this, Sam?

Willy wanted to get rid of Beekman, and
he thought you could get the job done?

- Something like that.
- But you botched the fire in college.

- What made him think
you'd get it right this time?
- I was the only bad guy he knew.
