Interview with the Vampire

What did you see?
No words can describe it.
Might as weII ask Heaven what it sees.
No human can know.
The statue seemed to move, but didn't.
The world had changed,
y"et sta"y"ed the same."

I was a newborn vampire,
"weeping at the beaut"y "of the night."

Perhaps you'd Iike another cigarette?
I wouId. It's not bothering you, is it?
I don't assume it wouId.
It's not Iike you'II die from cancer.

I don't think so.
-What about crucifixes?

Can you Iook at them?
ActuaIIy, I'm quite fond of
Iooking at crucifixes.

And the stake through the heart?
And coffins?
Coffins, unfortunateIy, are a necessity.
Don't worry.
:15:17'II be sIeeping as
soundIy as you've ever sIept.

And when you awake...
...I'II be waiting for you...
...and so wiII aII the worId.
Blood, I was to find,
"was a necessit"y "as well."

I awoke the next evening with
a hunger I had never felt.

Once you taste this...
:15:50'II never go to another tavern again.
You think so?
But what if I'd rather taste your Iips?
My Iips are even sweeter stiII.
