It Could Happen To You

We won !
We got the jackpot!

- That's unbelievable!
- We're rich !

- The jackpot?
- We're rich, rich, rich !

- What are we having?
- BLT down with turkey bacon.

- Any Miracle Whip?
- Yes. No matter how broke I am.

You have to have things
that are stable. Permanent.

- Oreos, Smuckers . . .
- Exactly.

- Thank you.
- Will there be anything else?

Will there be anything else?
There'll never be anything else.
God, I hate this.
I feel bankrupt.

A bowling team
had the same numbers!

- They get nine million !
- Why am I not surprised?

- How many are on the team?
- Average team is twelve guys.

Do each of them get a piece,
or do you consider them as one?

Muriel . . . your veins,
they're bulging out of your neck.

You look like a psycho.
Oh, my God. The bowlers,
thank God, only count as one.

That's 1 6 people that picked
these numbers . . . Oh, God.

That only leaves us with . . .
Four million.
We could live on that, right?
We could live on less, even.
