
-Junior would be good.
-Junior's good.

There's the feet...
...and the hands.
This can't be happening.
But it is.
That little string of pearls.
-The spine.
-That's the spine, yeah.

There's the head.
My baby.
Listen to this.
That's the heartbeat.
That's very fast.
140 beats a minute.
Perfectly normal.
ln fact...
...everything's perfectly normal.
Except for the fact that
the mom is also the dad.

lf this gets out, your life is over.
You're a freak.
My license? Kiss it good-bye.
lt's not going to get out.
l know this is unfair to you.
And it's dangerous for both of us...

...but l want my baby.
And l need your help.
Move back in with me. l want you
off your feet as much as possible.

And no going to the lab.
-No buts about it.

You're in for a lot of sacrifices.
You'd better get used to that.

So, otherwise how are you feeling?
Anything unusual?
Jesus, what the heck am l talking about?
''Anything unusual?''

l've noticed the side effects
of pregnancy are amplified...

...with the dosage of Expectane
that l've required.

The morning sickness, the mood swings.
