
Did Ramon come by?
Then I’m going upstairs
Don't look at me this way.

-Huana, it's not right
-I can't help it.

It's not a shame to like men.
Huana, why don't you shave the moustache?
Why? Is the moustache a man only

Men with a moustache are either gay
fascists or both.

I tell you this as a professional
You would look a lot better without a moustache.

One day I will do your makeup and you'll see.
Well I am going upstairs...

She is really out of it.
But she is so coquettish.

It's Kika. Are you there?
I am calling because your son
asked me to marry him.

I want us to talk about it.
So you are not there? See you tomorrow then.
We are done. Look Huana
You look great.

-Do you like me better this way?
-There is no comparison.

If you weren't so skinny
you could be a model.

I don't like the catwalk.
I wish I were a prison governor.

-To be able to watch women all day.
-You are really something.

-What's going on?
-You are driving me crazy.
