La Reine Margot

You smelt of jasmine that morning.
l thought: maybe she's ugly
under her mask?

Or disfigured.
But it didn't matter.

You wouldn't let me kiss you.
l thought: she's even lonelier than me.
She loves as though
she is seeking revenge.

l tried to forget you,
but you came to me on that horrid night!
God brought me to you.
l opened my eyes during the massacre,
and there you were...
How many men?
Two hundred.
They'll be in Meaux,
waiting for him.
When's the hunt? At what time?
They leave at six.
They'll be in Pontoise at nine.
They'll eat at twelve,
and Henri will try to slip away.

You'll be with him?
lt's a wild-boar hunt.
Men only!
l've tried to get you out for months!
Navarre and you,
but mainly you!
l'll leave on my own.
l'm the King's sister. lt'll be easy.
Where will l meet you?
Henri's page, Orthon, will tell you.
Henri's already a prisoner here.
Why the Bastille?
