
""Though I walk through the valley. . .
. . .of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil. . . . ""

-They got hit by lndians.
-Yeah, they were lnjuns.

Ma'am, it was not lndians.
I seen them.
They were wearing war paint.

If it was lndians. . . .
I said we'd take them
to Crystal City.

-That's backtracking.
-Just a day.

I have a game to get to.
I know what you have to get to.
-They took my girl's music box.
-My favorite!

They took the wagon with our money.
Simmer down.
How much money?
-What kind of animal are you?

How much money was that?
We were starting a mission.
If I get back your $30,000,
is it worth 1 0 percent to you?

5 percent.
No, 1 0 percent, Mary Margaret.
I want my wedding dress back
for when I find a husband.

All right. Can you do it?
-I know we can.
-Praise the Lord!

I'll give you your 1 0 percent,
but make those savages suffer.

I'm telling you, there are
no hostile lndians around here.
