Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

we came up with a suspect -
Rocco Dillon.

He's masterminding the bombings
from inside the prison.

There's only one way to find out
where Rocco will strike next.

We have to send someone in there.
- I'll do it.
- I wouldn't feel right about that.

If Rocco thinks you're a cop,
you might end up dead.

"You might end up dead"
is my middle name.

What about Jane?
I don't know her middle name.
I need the action.

I'm going inside the big house.
Frank, Ed.
I think you might want to see this.

We're testing out a prototype
for an anti-carjacking device.

We'll see how it works.
Get out!
Don't make me...
We call it the Denver jockstrap.
After being retired for six months,
I was finally back in action.

Faster than saying "spread 'em",
I was in Statesville Prison.

I was surrounded by pimps,
rapists and murderers.

It was like being in the stands
at an LA Raiders game.

It was going to take all my police
experience just to stay alive here.

After a long and generous
cavity search,

I reached my destination,
Maximum Security,

home of some of the most
violent sociopaths in the country.

And the worst of them all,
Rocco Dillon.

All right, in here.
Ain't no prison yet could hold me.
Attica! Attica!
Power to the brothers! Kill whitey!
Kill whitey!
Knock it off!
You're chirping loud
for a new canary.
