Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

I haven't hurt this bad
since the last time I was dumped.

I remember it well.
Her name was Gabriella.

We were supposed to be married,
but on the day of our wedding,
she never showed up.

I was heartbroken. I figured
she had fallen for another man,

someone who could do to her
what I never could.

I thought my life was over
until that one glorious day.

That was the day you became my wife.
Our friends gathered
to celebrate our love.

It seems like only yesterday.
We were all so overjoyed.
I remember wishing
we could take everyone with us.

That was the happiest
day of my life.

I remember the plans we made.
Things were going to be so perfect.

We got that housekeeper
you always wanted.

Hi, Mr D. Hi, Mrs D.
And I knew that eventually
our dream would come true.

One day we'd have
our own Frank Drebin Jr.

Shut up. I'm trying
to get some sleep.

Nah, it's no use.
She'll never come back.
