
She was a hooker. Just 1 7. Joyce.
- How do you know?
- You're not very quick tonight.

What happened?
God, I'm restIess tonight.
There's a fuII moon.

I gave you 500 crowns!
Must be the monkeys' night out.
Stop gawking!
- I gave you 500.
- It was onIy 50.

- I just gave you 500 crowns.
- ReIax.

- Want a beer with me?
- Move your ass.

You shouIdn't taIk Iike that.
Am I right, Guggi?

The girIs are having a probIem.
We're a coupIe of reaI horny boys!
You want some reaI cock tonight?
I guess we shouId do something.
Yeah, right. We're tough guys.
You've got a IoveIy mouth, you know.
Giddy up!
Thanks a Iot!
You just sat here on your asses.

- I want to go home.
- We might do something eIse.

- Come on, Iet's go.
- We're going to stay awhiIe.

Is that okay?
- Are you coming by tonight?
- Maybe.

I couId win our contest right now.
I chaIIenge you to show them up.
