
Do you want me to get rid of him?
But I saw her!
- It's Iike a bad movie.
- What do you mean?

The hero sees something strange.
But then it turns out to be nothing.

Sometimes its hard to distinguish
between fantasy and reaIity.

But this was reaI!
When I've been working hard
I feeI as if I'm in a gIass bubbIe.

Or in a movie.
When I'm trying to catch a murderer,
I try to think Iike him.

I somehow dissoIve.
Right and wrong cease to exist.

But I know I've got him when I
Iook in a mirror and see his face.

- OnIy then can I return to reaIity.
- But I did see it.

You saw what you saw. No harm
done, and forget the doctor.

He's just a IittIe too IiberaI
with his own medicine.

You can aIways reach me here.
I don't reaIIy want to go back.
- Do we have the money we need?
- I couId ask Mom for the rest.

- But you hate asking her for money.
- I just want some peace.

- I don't ever want to Iose you.
- You won't.

If you drink Iess...
