New Nightmare

I knoW his behaviour
is bizarre...

but he's usually so normal
and Well adjusted, John...

I can't believe it's him...
and not something outside
influencing him.

Or is that hoW denial Works?
It is denial.
I don't think
that's the case here.

If you're really Worried
about Dylan...

have a doctor check him out.
y ou'll see. Everything's fine.
y ou're not just saying that
to help a crazy friend cope?

Everything about Dylan's
behaviour is understandable...

for a kid
Who just lost his father.

HoW does a child
process a thing like that?

I don't knoW.
I've not been able
to process it very Well myself.

And you're not crazy,
by the Way.

Seeing Freddy in that grave
and then jumping in...

y ou didn't jump in.
That's my memory.
It seemed absolutely real.

"Seemed," not "Was."
It's in my family, you knoW.
What is?
A very close relative
died in an institution.

Really? If having a screWy
family made a person crazy...

the Whole World
Would be one big loony bin.

y ou have a crazed fan after you.
That's What's making you crazy.
Probably Dylan, too.

I never mentioned that to him.
Kids knoW When something's
bugging the parent.

y ou have no idea
Who this is calling?

- Freddy, for all I knoW.
- Come on.

He's a man.
Or a boy
With a deep Freddy voice.

Six Weeks, and you're surprised
you got Freddy in your dreams?

Hell, Sonny Bono,
after a While...

began seeing his stalker
everywhere, even at Mass.
