
All right. Yes?
When you referred to "hazing."
You wrote in your book
about the comparative...

- Yes? Yes?
- The comparative...

- Are you checking your notes?
- Yes.

Tell me in your own words.
I want to make sure
I have it right.

Of course.
You want to be exact.

I want to know
everything that went on...

That's very good.
I was suggesting, many times
that which we wish to retain...

is retained oftentimes better
with less expenditure of effort.

Here it is.
You wrote of "hazing."

That's correct.
Now, I said "hazing."

It means ritualized annoyance.
We shove this book at you.
We say, read it.

You say you've read it.
I think you're lying.

I'll grill you.
And when I find out
you've lied...

you'll be disgraced,
and your life will be ruined.

It's a sick game.
Why do we do it?

Does it educate?
In no sense.

Well, then, tell me this...
what is higher education?
It is something other
than useful.

What is something
other than useful?

All right.
That's a good question.

It has become a ritual...
it has become
an article of faith...

that all must be subjected to.
Or to put it differently...
that all are entitled
to higher education.

- And my point...
- You disagree with that.

Let's address that.
What do you think?

I don't know.
What do you think, though?
I don't know.
I spoke of it in class.
Do you remember my example?

Can you repeat it to me
without your notes?

I ask you as a favor to me...
so I can see
if my idea was interesting.

- You said justice.
- Yes...

That all are entitled to...
Yes. To a speedy trial.
To a fair trial.
But they needn't be given
a trial at all...

unless they stand accused.
Justice is their right.
