On Deadly Ground

Take that.
Tell me more about the fire.
What exactly did we lose?

We lost the rig.
-File a claim with Lloyd's of London.
-Already done.

There were three fatalities.
We'll know about two others today.

-All roughnecks?
-Yes, sir.

Offer the standard settlement.
Bruce, would you get the fuck out of here,

Sir, I glanced at the standard settlement

...and I think that the long-term benefits
for the surviving spouses are...

...unnecessarily generous.
Now you know why I love this woman.
Amend the settlement as you see fit.
What's the position on Aegis-1?
Surely you understand that
on any substantial construction project...

...particularly one of this size,
there are inevitable delays.

How long do they say now?
Twenty-one days.
Goddamn it, we have 13 days!
Sir, we have two crews working full-time.
Put on a third crew!
Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Get out of here!

I don't give a shit! Let me explain--
-You look ten years younger.
-Get out!

Aegis-1 is going to be the biggest rig
and refinery...

...on the face of this planet.
And if it is not on-line and operational
in 13 days...

...then the oil rights will revert back
to the goddamn Eskimos.

That is not going to happen.
There's something else.
A friend of mine at the EPA says he hears
that they have an unnamed source...

...making noises
about substandard equipment...

...at Aegis-1.
There was discussion
of faulty preventers, specifically.

Now, wouldn't that be lovely?
We'd lose the oil rights...
...worth billions of dollars a week.
