
[Gut] What good
is that gonna do me?

Just one little binger
to brighten up your day.

Just one little binger
to brighten up your day.

Come on, man.

Just one hit.
Then I gotta go.
[Man #1]
Look at the stitching.

- It's gotta be L.L. Bean.
- [Man #2] Yes.

[Man #1]
But can he be trusted?

[Man #2]
Look at his tie.

His complexion.
He's definitely
one of us.

W-W... Where am I?

You're safe now.
Allow me.

Carter Prescott, pledge master
of the secret fraternity
of Balls and Shaft.

Tom Lawrence,

Bantam Draper.
Um, so this is a frat?
The school outlawed fraternities
in 1967, Tom...

and Balls and Shaft was
forced to go underground.

We lost our house, now the
detestable sore known as the Pit.

Since then,
our numbers have dwindled...

but we're always on the lookout
for new members.

- You guys used to be in the Pit?
- I know. It's sad.

The swine in there,
they're dirty, stupid.

Worst of all? Poor.
- [Knocking On Door]
- I'll get it.

greatest president?

- It's me, Rand. Open up.
- America's greatest president?

Damn it!
Who is Ronald Reagan?

- A casual shoe for yachting.
- What are you trying
to figure out, B.D.?

Who could I be?

- What is a blucher?
- They killed Jesus Christ.

Who are theJews?
Open up, sucko!

Gentlemen! I got some good news,
and I got some bad news.

The bad news is...
you're an idiot.
Don't ever make me
wait outside that door.

The good news is, Thompson
just delivered the information.

By now the Pit will have
started planning their little soiree.
