Postino, Il

Mario, can you send someone to see
about this probIem of water?

Have you got water?
No, that's exactIy the probIem.
That's no probIem at aII!
Why? Is it normaI?
It's normaI.
You've run out of water...
up at the cistern.
Do you use a Iot of water?
No, just what I need.
Then that's too much.
it runs out aII of a sudden
because the water-suppIy ship...

comes onIy once a month,
so the water gets used up.

We've got-- They've been saying
we'II get running water...

for ages.
''You'II have running water.'' But--
And you don't protest?
What do we say?
My father swears every so often...
but... onIy to himseIf.
There are peopIe who, with a strong
wiII, manage to change things.

It's a pity.
This pIace is so beautifuI!
Think so?
Yes. Sit down.
Here on the isIand, the sea...
so much sea.
It spiIIs over from time to time.
It says yes, then no...
then no.
In bIue, in foam, in a gaIIop...
it says no, then no.
It cannot be stiII.
My name is sea, it repeats...
