Pulp Fiction

- But still, you play
with matches, you get burned.
- What do you mean ?

You don't be givin' Marsellus Wallace's
new bride a foot massage.

You don't think he overreacted ?
Antwan didn't expect Marsellus
to react the way he did,
but he had to expect a reaction.

It was a foot massage.
A foot massage is nothin'.
I give my mother a foot massage.

It's laying your hands in a familiar way
on Marsellus's new wife.

I mean, is it as bad as eatin'
her pussy out ? No, but it's
the same fuckin' ballpark.

Whoa, stop right there.
Eatin' the bitch out...

and givin' the bitch a foot massage
ain't even the same fucking thing.

- It's not. It's the same ballpark.
- Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither.

Now, look, maybe your method
of massage differs from mine.

But touchin' his wife's feet
and sticking your tongue
in the holiest of holies...

ain't the same fuckin' ballpark;
it ain't the same league;
it ain't the same fuckin' sport.

- Foot massages don't mean shit !
- Have you ever given a foot massage ?

[ Scoffs ]
Don't be tellin' me about foot massages.

- I'm the foot fuckin' master.
- You given a lot of them ?

Shit, yeah !
Got my technique down and everything.
I don't be ticklin' or nothin'.

Would you give a guy
a foot massage ?

- Fuck you.
- [ Chuckles ]

- You give 'em a lot ?
- Fuck you.

- You know, I'm kind of tired.
I could use a foot massage.
- Yo, yo, yo, man.

You best back off.
I'm gettin' a little pissed here.

- This is the door.
- Yeah, it is.

What time you got ?
7:22 in the a.m.
No, it ain't quite time yet.
Come on. Let's hang back.

Look, just 'cause I wouldn't give no man
a foot massage don't make it right...

for Marsellus to throw
Antwan off a building into
a glass motherfuckin' house,

fuckin' up the way the nigger talks;
that shit ain't right.

Motherfucker do that shit to me,
he better paralyze my ass,
'cause I kill the motherfucker.
