Pulp Fiction

- Girl
- [ Moans ]

- You'll be a woman soon
- [ Breathing Heavily ]

You'll be a woman
[ Bathroom Door Opens ]
All right, Mia.
So listen, I gotta go,
all right ?

Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.
You fu--
Oh, Jesus Christ !

Oh, fuck me.
Fuck me !

Oh-- Come on, girl. We're gettin'
outta here. We gotta walk now.

[ Tires Screeching ]
Don't fuckin' die on me, Mia !
Fuck !
[ Dialing ]
- [ Telephone Ringing ]
- [ Man On Television ]
Have you got the ring ?

- Why, certainly.
- Join hands, you two lovebirds.

- [ Ringing Continues ]
- [ Woman ] Please ! Please !

Yes, yes.
Hold hands, you lovebirds.

- [ Ringing Continues ]
- [ People On Television
Yelling, Shouting ]

[ Ringing ]
Fuck you, Lance !
Answer !

- [ Ringing Continues ]
- [ Yelling, Shouting Continue ]

[ Woman ]
Now what do you say ?

[ Man ] I give up !
I'll marry you !

- [ Ringing Continues ]
- [ Jody ] Lance !
The goddamn phone's ringing !

I can hear it.
I thought you told those
fuckin' assholes never to
call here this late !

Yeah, I told them.
And that is exactly what I'm going
to tell this fucking asshole right now.
