
- How do I look?
- Very nice.

Can I wear it tonight? Pru and I
are going out with some blokes.

I suppose so.
Do you often try on other people's
clothes without asking?

All the clothes I've ever worn
are other people's.

- Is this the ship you came out on?
- Yes.

My dad was a sailor.
What does he do now?
He's dead.
I'm sorry.
A shark took him.
They found an arm with his watch.
That's what they buried - the arm.
Still used a normal-sized coffin
though, just for appearances.

I hadn't realised sharks were so...
Do you like your husband?
Do people usually marry people
they don't like?

Quite often, I'd say.
Now, Devlin,
I want you to pose as Ulysses.

Is he the chap
you're going out with?

God, no. He just does
odd jobs around the place.

- But he can't see.
- He can't see much.

Norman says it's all a blur.
There was a big prizefight
out in the bush.

It went on for hours.
Blood everywhere.

In the end, they had to stop
cos Devlin was blind.

After a few days, he could see a bit,
