Star Trek: Generations

Dr Soran. I understand there's
something urgent you wish to discuss.

I must return and continue a critical
experiment on the Amargosa Star.

When our investigation is complete,
you and your colleagues can return.

- Until then, there's nothing I can do.
- Timing is crucial to my experiments.

If it's not completed in 12 hours,
years of research will be lost.

We're doing the best we can.
They say time is the fire
in which we burn.

Right now, my time is running out.
We leave so many things
unfinished in our lives.

I know you understand.
I'll see what I can do.
We've studied the Romulans' tricorder.
They were scanning for signature
particles of the compound trilithium.

It's an experiment the Romulans have
been working on, a nuclear inhibitor.
