Terminal Velocity

Then I find this
in her apartment.

So you think she misrepresented
her actual abilities.

I think she did for bullshit
what Stonehenge did for rocks.

[ Chuckling ]
That's very good.

That's very funny.
Uh-- [ Sniffing ]
What were you doing in her apartment?

Lookin' for her roommate.
Instead I get attacked by some
jamoke with pink rubber gloves
and a bad Sinatra cut.

Let's backtrack a little bit. How did
you gain access to her apartment?

- I used keys.
- Whose keys?

- Her keys.
- Without any permission.

She's dead, remember?
What do you want
from me?

I just want the truth.
No, you just want
someone to hang.

Richard. M-May l
call you Richard?

I know guys like you don't like
guys like me, a-and that's fine.

But let me suggest
you drop the attitude.

Okay? Because if you
take a look around,

you'll see I'm the only guy here
tryin' to help you.

Just... work with me.
Look, here's my card.
If you think
of anything else,

you beep me,
day or night.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Oh, oh, uh--
One more thing.

Uh, did anyone take any pictures
or video or anything like that?

I can look, but l--
I don't think so. No.

All right.

- I'll be in touch.
- All right.

- Get some rest.
- I will.

Robocam with the cavity-cam.
What's up, pretty lady?

- Be natural, all right?
- I'm always natural.
