Terminal Velocity

- Okay. I'm here.
- Throw switches 17 and 23.

[ Chris ] You just cut the juice
to the security fence.

You need to move upstairs
and find door 207.

The one marked
"Authorized Personnel."

- Should I be writin' all this down?
- Just go!

A little close.
I'm here. 207.
Authorized personnel only.

Use the key and go inside.
- What key?
- The one in your hook-knife sleeve.

How convenient.
I'm in.
How do you know your way
around this place so well?

Never mind.
[ Speaking Russian ]
The money will be wired in the morning.

We'll fly the shipment
out tomorrow night.

Put the full crew on standby.
Let's try not to mess it up.
All right.
